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20 Most used Lean Tools across Industries

This is a collection of 20 Most used Lean Tools across industries. These are simple and need not have any great expertise in application. The first step in the lean journey is to acknowledge that there is an improvement possible. Once you recognize these, you can always use the appropriate tool to identify and improve the system

  1.  Andon
  2. Autonomation (Jidoka)
  3. Kaizen
  4. Single Piece Flow or One Piece flow
  5. Poka-Yoke
  6. Visual Management
  7. Lean Wastes ( Muda)
  8. Six Big Losses
  9. Smart Goals
  10. Heijunka
  11. Just In Time (JIT)
  12. TAKT Time
  13. Bottleneck Analysis (De-Bottlenecking)
  14. Gemba
  15. Hoshin Kanri
  16. Total Productive Maintenance
  17. Cellular Manufacturing
  18. Total Quality Management
  19. Value Stream Mapping
  20. Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED)
  21. KPIs
  22. 5S
  23. PDCA Cycle
  24. Standardized Work

Most of these 20 Most used Lean Tools are covered in one or more posts across the site. Links wherever applicable are added to the same extent. Waste as a concept has been there in the pre lean era as well. In fact Henry Ford has been clearly identified himself as to be influenced by some early gurus like Benjamin Franklin and their thoughts


Posted in Lean