Affinity Diagram
These Quality Control tools are used in problem Solving as a visual methods such as Affinity diagram and Fish bone diagram. These are used in some lean programs also to make sure value stream and value addition.
Affinity Diagram: – Definition
A process to organize disparate language info by placing it on cards and grouping the cards that go together in a creative way. “header” cards are then used to summarize each group of cards.
Affinity Diagram: – Definition
A process to organize disparate language info by placing it on cards and grouping the cards that go together in a creative way. “header” cards are then used to summarize each group of cards.

Cause and Effect Diagram
A problem-solving tool used to show relationships between effects and multiple causes.
Acronym for Cause and Effect Diagram with the Addition of Cards. CEDAC is a method for involving team members in the problem solving process.
Fish bone Diagram A chart that resembles a fish skeleton, with a main spine and branches (bones) drawn at a slant off the spine; used for quality control in two main ways:
1. As a cause-and-effect diagram, where the spine denotes an effect and the branches are cause factors.
2. As a subdivision of quality requirements, where the spine represents a quality objective and the branches describe subsidiary traits or measurements that are important but are not the end in them selves. (Sometimes referred to as a Reverse Fishbone)