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A Six Sigma Project Charter is essentially a planning document. The document also serves as an agreement between the project team and the management for the project. This is the essential record through which the management accepts and supports the project. This document is essentially an agreement between the Management and the project team on what is expected from both the sides. This is used to

  • Keep the project team aligned with the organizational Goals.
  • Clarifies what is expected out of the team
  • Keeps the team focused on the objective
  • the project teams role is in fact increased from the champion after the charter is agreed.
A charter is prepared, once you have defined the problem, to communicate and confirm agreement between the problem-solving team and management.
There can be many other forms to use for a project charter. The most important information needed for management to approve the project must be captured here.
Here are the essential elements of the Project Charter
  • Project Name
  • Project Goal
  • Problem Statement
  • Business Case
  • Milestones
  • Support Needed
  • Project Team
  • Estimated Cost
  • Signatures/Approvals.
These will define the complete description of the project in the language of Management.
Posted in six sigma