Oxford defines ‘Standard’ as a level of quality or attainment:a required or agreed level of quality or attainment:something used as a measure , norm, or model in comparative evaluations:used or accepted as normal or average:
Merriam-Webster’s defines ‘Standard’ as Set up and established by authority as a rule for the measure of quantity, weight, extent, value, or quality
The Standards are developed by various organizations. Most Nations have their own standardization bodies. The standards are mainly under two categories. Product Standards and industry Standards.
Product Standards
Product Standards define the minimum requirements for a product to be called as a standard product. These are normally defined by the statutory authorities such as Bureau on Indian Standards (BIS). Each of the product will have its own standard defined and the product is marked.
Industry Standards
Industry Standards are based on the requirements of the industry. The most acceptable Standards are developed by ISO (International organization for Standardization). Out of the 18000+ standards developed by ISO, ISO 9000 family is the most widely used. All most all activities are covered by ISO.